Tour Calendar

According to upcoming new timetables of airlines and railways, the given dates below are subject to (minor) changes.

Country/Tour Date Price* Registration
Period Expires
Spring in the Carpathians: Narrow Gauge Steam 05.04.2025 - 13.04.2025 £2,450 04.03.2025  Book

* price from; base price without single room or other surcharges

As a service to our UK-based clients FarRail Tours accepts and will continue to accept payments made out in Pound Sterling until further notice. However, please note that from January 28, 2009, all prices quoted in Pound Sterling are indicative only and are subject to change without prior notice. This measure was taken by FarRail Tours due to the unprecedented volatility in the international foreign exchange markets and its impact on the valuation of the Pound Sterling versus other major currencies, namely the Euro as FarRail Tours' accounting currency.

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